Collection: Niccolo Jose

Níccolo José is a Filipino visual artist and self-taught woodworker who creates one of a kind sculptural furniture, abstract sculpture pieces, and unique wood interiors crafted from up-cycling reclaimed old wood in order to breathe new life into them, contributing to the art movement of the Philippines while being an advocate for the environment. He earned a double degree in Environmental Studies and Studio Art in Lewis & Clark College (Portland, Oregon). For Níccolo, every piece of wood has its own story; he gets inspiration from the conditions that contributed to their uniqueness. By studying its color, grain, natural forms, strength, and flexibility he has an intimate relationship with his materials. This attention to detail when crafting the works results in soulful art that he hopes engages people in a multi-sensory manner. His works are held in galleries and private collections around Asia, Central America, North America, and Europe.